boys swimming nude in high school pool
(too old to reply)
2015-04-19 12:22:44 UTC
I am Mrs Benson Sophia, from New York i want to use this
medium to congratulate Dr Celyn, for the
great help of spell he has render to my relationship
outbreak. since the past 6 years i was in a
relationship problem with my ex, he always get me
beating, i never knew he has another girl outside the town, her
name is Michel, until i got this great spell caster
email address from the internet, so i email him and i
laid all my complain to him, he promise me that i am
to keep off away from him, and i really agreed on it,
but on a condition that my lost ex will be back,,,, he really put some few
items which he uses to
consulting his great oracle, his plan for my
relationship was fulfill and my lost ex was back
again within 48hrs... please if you are in such mess
today please
contact him at ***@yahoo.com
2015-04-19 12:24:39 UTC
I am Mrs Benson Sophia, from New York i want to use this
medium to congratulate Dr Celyn, for the
great help of spell he has render to my relationship
outbreak. since the past 6 years i was in a
relationship problem with my ex, he always get me
beating, i never knew he has another girl outside the town, her
name is Michel, until i got this great spell caster
email address from the internet, so i email him and i
laid all my complain to him, he promise me that i am
to keep off away from him, and i really agreed on it,
but on a condition that my lost ex will be back,,,, he really put some few
items which he uses to
consulting his great oracle, his plan for my
relationship was fulfill and my lost ex was back
again within 48hrs... please if you are in such mess
today please
contact him at ***@yahoo.com
2015-12-21 04:32:59 UTC
I learned of the existence of this group on the site https://sites.google.com/site/historicarchives4maleswimming/

But there are very many files missing on download links from this site.. I think nobody post anything here since very many years ago, but if someone here know how I can have those files from the failed download links, I will thank ;)
2017-07-08 23:40:07 UTC
I went to Senn High School in Chicago,class of 1950. Swimming was mandatory. Yes we boys did have to swim nude. It did not leave me traumatized. Homosexuality never occurred to me.
While still in high school I joined the YMCA and the Y's national policy was nude male swimming. Did girls ever peek? It would have been easy because the hall entrance was accessed through side-by-side doors. By just cracking one open one had a full view of the pool. I know because once I sneaked a peek at the girls swimming class and they wore swimsuits. Unfair discrimination.
It would be interesting to know if girls did peek.
Mike Headon
2017-07-09 08:34:31 UTC
Post by l***@gmail.com
I went to Senn High School in Chicago,class of 1950. Swimming was mandatory. Yes we boys did have to swim nude. It did not leave me traumatized. Homosexuality never occurred to me.
While still in high school I joined the YMCA and the Y's national policy was nude male swimming. Did girls ever peek? It would have been easy because the hall entrance was accessed through side-by-side doors. By just cracking one open one had a full view of the pool. I know because once I sneaked a peek at the girls swimming class and they wore swimsuits. Unfair discrimination.
It would be interesting to know if girls did peek.
A few minutes research on t' interweb will reveal a large number of
photos which [at least appear to] show family occasions, swimming galas,
presentations and team photos in which the males are naked but the
females are costumed. Of course, it could all be a reptilian conspiracy.
Mike Headon
R69S R850R
e-mail: mike dot headon at enn tee ell world dot com

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2019-09-03 10:18:39 UTC
I did not swim naked at school but my swim coach did and I suspect his requirement that we each go to his favorite sales clerk at a woman's dept. store to get fitted for the pantyhose we were required to purchase and wear during swim practice (allegedly to strengthen us up by increasing drag in the pull) while manning us up by subjecting us to catcalling and ridicule when running up and down stairs for conditioning and endurance training, was to somehow make up for the fact that he had to train and compete nude when he was our age. Since it was common for moms to be present during thier son's physicals anyway, no one batted an eyelash when he required a written note from thier mom verifying that they had checked for skin lesions and ingrown hairs on thier son's legs and pubic areas, and that these areas were shaven smooth and completely free of hair. We also had to have the sales receipt signs by that special lady he wanted to fit us with said pantyhose. He made no secret of it that embarressing us in front of our moms and sales ladies was good for manning us up for training and competition since his coach had the same attitude and consistently produced champions. I was living on my own during my Jr. and senior year of high school due to a huge falling out with my parents and so my swim coach called up a friend of his who was a mother of one of the Jrs. On our team (I was a Senior at the time) and asked her to help me get squared away. Just my luck she brought her 14 year old daughter with her to shop for a new braw. They thought it was cute that I was so uncomfortable with them seeing my growing erection since I was not used to having my reproductive organs handled in by a sales lady in a changing room in front of a teenager and her mom in such a cramped space. To ad insult to injury the sales lady said I had to much stubble from inproperly shaving to put the pantyhose on without snagging them so that would have to be taken care of before I could try any on. After all I had been through they thought it was just precious that I was still shy enough to turn my head when the teanage girl removed her shirt and braw so the sales lady could help her with trying on the braws she and her mother had selected. Her mom encouraged me to have a good look because she didn't want her daughter feeling guilty for helping her shave me down since I would continue to cut myself without thier help, noticing the small nicks and cuts on my legs and around my genitals. The most embarrassing part of that proceedure was having to spread my cheeks for her daughter to shave my crack while she shaved my scrotum. While doing this she reasured me that this wasn't the end of the world since they did the same for her son and some other swimmers who didn't have mom's in thier homes. She described her experience as a student coaches aid staning beside my swim coach, not so long ago watching as she parted his cheeks to check hygiene and health issues that could spread to other swimmers. This was the first I had heard of his coach being female. Since the boys often got erections having thier testicles lifted by her in front of thier female classmate, I shouldn't feel bad about her daughter seeing me that way now. I may not have swam naked but I didn't escape the general attitudes of the time.
2019-09-03 13:33:20 UTC
Ha! And they didn't believe me when I said I had to share shower facilities with female G.I.s
2019-09-16 01:04:55 UTC
Nude swimming and sports in schools was still accepted in some communities when I was in high school during the 1980's but was not embraced as openly on a national scale as it was during the 50's and 60's." When I was a kid during the 70's nude males at the YMCA pools that didn't change thier policies on dress code,or at swim meets in parts of the US where that practice was still the norm. may have raised an eyebrow among outsiders visiting friends and family, but was never considered scandalous in the papers and tabloids. It was simply the way people with old fashioned attitudes did things. From those oldschoolers perspective, it was the new progressive attitudes of conservatives who felt that feminist claims of sexual discrimination against boys and males could not be tolerated, was strange.For those of you that associate feminism with male humiliation and abuse, your perceptions on the issue are not accurate. My mom was a feminist who strongly supported gender equality and taught me to treat both genders with dignity and respect. Even though I never gave her cause to disipline me for disrespecting a Girl's or Ladies femininity or being anything less than a complete gentleman, she felt very strongly that it was her feminist duty to disipline me, or at least have a talk with me, about allowing females to violate my masculinity with undignified acts of aggression against my boyhood. Allowing a girl to get away with kicking me in the balls was an attack on both my reproductive health an a direct assault on my gender, as she saw it. She despised the attitudes males had toward females when she was a child and watched wives and mothers punish the boys and men in thier lives for acting like a sissy, mommas boy, nancy boy, queer, ect. if they committed the unforgivable act of acting like a woman's oppinions on matters that were exclusively within the man's domain mattered and were worthy of thier consideration. Men had thier world and women had thiers. Men were not allowed to disrespect a woman's femininity and women were not allowed to disrespect a man's masculinity. Mothers and wives, however, were expected to correct the foibles and adress the shortcomings in thier men's lives. Since social convention dictated that males were of the assertive gender, while females were the receptive gender, sexual identity for both genders compelled males and females to enforce these conventions of sexuality and sexuality equally, putting all the responsibility of sexual interaction and mating on the male's shoulders. If a girl asked a boy out, she was a slut and he was a queer. There was no middle ground, so I am not surprised that boys were required to be nude and girls were required to be covered. Gender equality through sexual inequality is the way I see it. The genders didn't consider themselves to be unequal, just different, and you had to show respect differently to the opposite sex than you did your own. When I was a kid, even in high school, taking off my clothes in front of a lady was disrespectful if they didn't give me thier consent. If I refused to take off my clothes in front of a lady when asked or told to do so was intolerable, unforgivable, and extremely disrespectful of thier position of female authority. It was confusing even through my teens that respect and authority were conditional on sexual identity. Exposing myself was an attack on female dignity, but refusing to expose myself was an attack on female authority. Where female dignity ended and female authority began made the difference between the act of me taking off my clothes in front of girls and women being a good thing or a bad thing. Back in the 50s and 60s, boys were told to be nude, so it was O.K. Girls were told to remain covered, so girls being nude in those situations were not OK. Such was the social conventions of the times.
Mark Shaw
2019-09-16 01:53:01 UTC
***@gmail.com wrote:

[huge-assed paragraph w/o line feeds deleted mostly unread]

You've posted thrice on this topic so far this month. Is it something
that excites you?
Mark Shaw moc TOD liamg TA wahsnm
"All of my mistakes are giving me ideas." - Natalie Lileks
2019-09-26 10:56:57 UTC
In regards to me posting three times this month, I wasn't aware of a limit on how many times you can post in a month, but since I have said about as much as I have to say on the subject, let me close my participation of this subject with my taking a moment to explain my motivation for putting my own 2 cents in. Reading other people's post, and using my own life experiences of people's attitudes on selectively enforcing male nudity from time to time, I thought I had a relevant perspective on why men and women felt it necessary to enforce these old social conventions by the things they said, and the actions they took to ensure that us boys and young men took the clothes off when commended to, but left the on otherwise. It was about control, plain and simple.
RH Draney
2019-09-26 11:41:37 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
In regards to me posting three times this month, I wasn't aware of a limit on how many times you can post in a month, but since I have said about as much as I have to say on the subject, let me close my participation of this subject with my taking a moment to explain my motivation for putting my own 2 cents in.
It's not about how many times you've posted in a month, it's about a
flurry of posts to a thread that has seen no activity in over two years....r
Drew Lawson
2019-09-27 01:35:38 UTC
Post by n***@gmail.com
Post by n***@gmail.com
In regards to me posting three times this month, I wasn't aware of a limit on how many times you can post in a
month, but since I have said about as much as I have to say on the subject, let me close my participation of this
subject with my taking a moment to explain my motivation for putting my own 2 cents in.
It's not about how many times you've posted in a month, it's about a
flurry of posts to a thread that has seen no activity in over two years....r
Don't be silly.

Those boys who were almost legal two years ago are fully legal now.

That's something that someone, certainly not me, could find

Drew "no matter how fit, or aroused" Lawson
Drew Lawson | Savage bed foot-warmer
| of purest feline ancestry
| Look out little furry folk
| it's the all-night working cat
2019-12-25 09:52:10 UTC
I can attest to it, not because my swim team swam nude, but because one of my coache's HIGHSCHOOL classmates showed me photos from her year book and family photo albums. This was done to make me feel better about my groin and anal regions being shaved by her, and her 15 year old daughter. It was kinda hard for me to justify the humiliation I felt from her shaving my reproductive organs while her daughter shaved me anal regions. Seeing my coach getting his sac lifted and cheeks spread apart in front of friends and family in the bleachers, by thier assistant coach, a college sophomore with a beutiful smile and equally beutiful breast, no less, who just happened to be the nice lady showing me these photos 20 years later.
2020-02-21 06:03:44 UTC
I can agree with Andrea, about co-ed showers making boot camp more interesting. Even though we didn't shower co-ed, the Army taught me early on that modestly will always take a back seat to hygiene and general health and when our drill instructors found a way to get us a shower during our Advanced Infantry Training,going 20 days without a shower, or even so much as a sponge bath during Georgia summer months is not a pleasant experience. Since the barracks were off limits to us, our instructors got creative and converted the massive 100 gallon portable water towers along an access road near Sand Hill, Fort Benning, into makeshift shower facilities. We each had 40 seconds to lather up and rinse under the spouts and the catcalls and whistles of female G.I.s passing by not more than 15 feet away did not make me pause or otherwise waste precious seconds with senseless covering up that could be utilized scrubbing and rinsing. Letting them get an eyeful was a small price to pay to avoid heat rash.
2020-04-15 00:34:57 UTC
I have mixed feelings about the whole swimming nude issue. Looking though the eyes of a 7 to 15 year old boy who ever time I went swimming in the Boy's Club or the YMCA. I thought there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. But now a father in his 50s there's no way I would allow my Son and Daughter swim nude in front of adults and the other sex. Oh yeah it changed in my teen years. But when I first started swimming and even joined the Swim team it was common for the parents with young daughters to sit and watch the swim practice and on the day of the swim meet you would be naked in front of people you didn't know.

Of course I have no idea of what was going though the mother's of other boys watching boys aged 7 to 16 year's old swim and walk by them naked. I guess they were fine with it otherwise they wouldn't sit there.

I remember when I learned to swim the swim instructors were basically high school aged kids mostly girls and they would have to balance the boys in the water by placing one hand on the chest and the other directly in the private area. Again it all must have seemed normal because none of them objected or behaved different handling naked boys.

On Saturday morning it was Co/ed swim both sexes nude. My Swim team coach was a woman in her 30s and she would go into the locker room and made sure everyone washed off the Chlorine and as you probably could imagine when you have young boys going though puberty and hormones ragging occasionally some boys would get fully erect in the shower or pool in which she had a good way to reassuring them that its normal and a sign of good health.
Another common occurrence was if a boy was taking too long his mother and his Sister's would walk into the changing room to tell him to hurry up and would talk to some of the boys while standing completely naked in front of the woman and her daughter's some around the same age others older.
What I did notice about that time was body shaming wasn't a thing well I never witnessed it. That sort of talk would have thought of as strange and what type of person makes fun of the way some one looks nude because for the majority of us we've seen the same people nude for year's now and wasn't a big deal and was almost the same about the girls except after 13 year's old, Some girls went from a flat chest to wearing a C cup bra in one Summer they got attention mostly positive and rarely negative that I witnessed. By today's standards this all seems weird and borderline creepy but honestly back then nobody thought twice about swimming nude its just something you did.
I hope that help you understand a little bit. I have no doubt that a lot more happened but its hard to remember 40 year's especially when it was just swimming nothing that burned in my memory.
2020-07-27 11:05:16 UTC
When I had swimming class both in high school, middle school and elementary school, we always swam nude. This was for both the swim classes and the swim team. It seem very normal then. I really was not too aware who supervised or who might be watching but I do remember that before going into the pool an adult had to check to see if you took a shower and most of the time if not all the time the person checking was a woman. I also remember that the swim class would on occasion be observed by the principle Who was a woman. In fact I think that a couple times I remember having short conversations with her for some reason without any second thoughts about it. This all,happened at Maple Avenue School in Niagara Falls New York from 1956 to 1959 and then also at the
DeVeaux School from 1960 to 1965. None of us in these sessions thought anything of it since it was totally expected that you swam nude but it was a single sex class for the students but not so for the teachers and instructors. Thinking back at it, nothing seem unusual about it. During the swim meets, there would be Mothers and sisters in the stands watching us in all our glory so to speak but it was totally accepted.
Douglas E. Roberts, Author
2020-12-28 18:42:50 UTC
My high school had a swimming pool, and part of PE involved weekly swim
class. As for most PE classes, swim was not co-ed. We girls brought our
own towels and other necessities, but were given suits every swim period,
which we turned in at the end of class to be laundered.
The door from the boys' locker room to the pool was locked when the girls
had swim, and vice versa, for obvious reasons. But, especially since it was
common knowledge that the boys wore NOTHING during swim class. Zip. Nada.
In the buff.
A former male classmate of mine came through town a few years ago, and spent
the night at our house. The topic of the boys wearing nothing for swim
class somehow came up, and my husband could NOT believe it. He said that he
wore a suit in his HS swim class, and was convinced that the story of the
boys wearing nothing was a massive joke perpetuated by the boys to tease the
girls. No amount of persuading would convince him.
In my particular graduating class, the knowledge of the boys swimming nude
was especially well-known due to an incident, which was so memorable that it
was specially mentioned by the M-C at our 20-year reunion. One of the male
members of the swim team was planning on doing some extra swimming during a
free period he had one day. Thru an incredible coincidence, he was unaware
that a girls' class was currently in the pool, but more importantly for some
unknown and unlucky reason, the door from the boys' locker room had been
left unlocked. You guessed it -- he walked into the girls' swim class stark
Even telling my husband of this story would not convince him. Two years
later, we were in Seattle, and visited another former male classmate of
mine, who verified the story of the males swimming nude. My husband remains
convinced (so he says), to this day, that it isn't true.
I can't PROVE they swam nude, but we always accepted it as truth. My
brother-in-law, who went to the HS on the other side of town, reports that
they wore suits in swim.
Are there any males out there who can attest to this practice? More
importantly, WHY was it done?
Douglas E. Roberts, Author
2020-12-28 18:43:39 UTC
My high school had a swimming pool, and part of PE involved weekly swim
class. As for most PE classes, swim was not co-ed. We girls brought our
own towels and other necessities, but were given suits every swim period,
which we turned in at the end of class to be laundered.
The door from the boys' locker room to the pool was locked when the girls
had swim, and vice versa, for obvious reasons. But, especially since it was
common knowledge that the boys wore NOTHING during swim class. Zip. Nada.
In the buff.
A former male classmate of mine came through town a few years ago, and spent
the night at our house. The topic of the boys wearing nothing for swim
class somehow came up, and my husband could NOT believe it. He said that he
wore a suit in his HS swim class, and was convinced that the story of the
boys wearing nothing was a massive joke perpetuated by the boys to tease the
girls. No amount of persuading would convince him.
In my particular graduating class, the knowledge of the boys swimming nude
was especially well-known due to an incident, which was so memorable that it
was specially mentioned by the M-C at our 20-year reunion. One of the male
members of the swim team was planning on doing some extra swimming during a
free period he had one day. Thru an incredible coincidence, he was unaware
that a girls' class was currently in the pool, but more importantly for some
unknown and unlucky reason, the door from the boys' locker room had been
left unlocked. You guessed it -- he walked into the girls' swim class stark
Even telling my husband of this story would not convince him. Two years
later, we were in Seattle, and visited another former male classmate of
mine, who verified the story of the males swimming nude. My husband remains
convinced (so he says), to this day, that it isn't true.
I can't PROVE they swam nude, but we always accepted it as truth. My
brother-in-law, who went to the HS on the other side of town, reports that
they wore suits in swim.
Are there any males out there who can attest to this practice? More
importantly, WHY was it done?
kevin Kazakevich
2022-02-14 20:22:39 UTC
Post by Douglas E. Roberts, Author
My high school had a swimming pool, and part of PE involved weekly swim
class. As for most PE classes, swim was not co-ed. We girls brought our
own towels and other necessities, but were given suits every swim period,
which we turned in at the end of class to be laundered.
The door from the boys' locker room to the pool was locked when the girls
had swim, and vice versa, for obvious reasons. But, especially since it was
common knowledge that the boys wore NOTHING during swim class. Zip. Nada.
In the buff.
A former male classmate of mine came through town a few years ago, and spent
the night at our house. The topic of the boys wearing nothing for swim
class somehow came up, and my husband could NOT believe it. He said that he
wore a suit in his HS swim class, and was convinced that the story of the
boys wearing nothing was a massive joke perpetuated by the boys to tease the
girls. No amount of persuading would convince him.
In my particular graduating class, the knowledge of the boys swimming nude
was especially well-known due to an incident, which was so memorable that it
was specially mentioned by the M-C at our 20-year reunion. One of the male
members of the swim team was planning on doing some extra swimming during a
free period he had one day. Thru an incredible coincidence, he was unaware
that a girls' class was currently in the pool, but more importantly for some
unknown and unlucky reason, the door from the boys' locker room had been
left unlocked. You guessed it -- he walked into the girls' swim class stark
Even telling my husband of this story would not convince him. Two years
later, we were in Seattle, and visited another former male classmate of
mine, who verified the story of the males swimming nude. My husband remains
convinced (so he says), to this day, that it isn't true.
I can't PROVE they swam nude, but we always accepted it as truth. My
brother-in-law, who went to the HS on the other side of town, reports that
they wore suits in swim.
Are there any males out there who can attest to this practice? More
importantly, WHY was it done?
Nude swimming in public schools in Michigan from the mid 1920's to 1980 was the rule for the boys in the city of Dearborn and it was thought to be a public health issue to have cleaner water when combined with a soap shower before swimming. It ws thought that boys swimming nude was a normal sort of thing and commonly accepted.